Here is a list of our weekly activities here at CANO. For transportation, please call 504.241.3053 or fill out the contact form provided.
9:30am Sunday School
11am Morning Service
6pm Evening Service (1st and 2nd Sundays only)
6pm Family Prayer
7pm Choir Rehearsal
8pm Praise Team Rehearsal
7pm Mid-Week Bible Study
*Listen to our Pastor as he records his weekly radio session.
7:30pm Youth Service (1st and 2nd Friday only)
*Ask about our activities and youth outings.
On the Fourth Saturday of every month, a group is sent out to witness to the people of our community. If you are interested in our street ministry or home bible study, feel free to contact us.
Whether you have a question, want to learn more about our ministries, or are interested in joining us for worship, we’re here to help. Reach out to us today and experience the warmth and support of our church family!